I mish uE when sOmethim rEaLLy gOOd happens , bcOz uE'r the One I want tO share it with .
I mish ue when sOmethim is trOubLing me , bcOz ue'r the OnLy One whO
understands me sO weLL . I mish uE whEn I laugh and cry , bcOz I nOe that uE'r the OnE
whO makes my laughter grOw and my tears disappear . I mish ue aLL the tyme , bud I mish ue
the mOst when I lie awake at night and think Of aLL the wOnderful tymes we spent wif each
Other fOr thOse were sOme Of the besh memOrabLe tymes Of my Life . . .
tO : mohammad fahmay .
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